Thank you to the folks who join us for the 2023 Community Town Hall on Wednesday, February 1, 2023. If you were unable to make it and are interested in finding out more about our plans, you can watch the recording. We’ve marked segments in the description so that you can watch the Town Hall in its entirety or skip to what interested you most.

On Wednesday, February 1, 2023, Handmade Arcade’s Board of Directors President, Vice President, and Executive Director shared the organization’s first-ever strategic plan. The presentation includes a brief overview of Handmade Arcade’s history, year-round programming, impact on the maker and creative community, and our plans for the next three years. It ends with an insightful Q&A session with the audience.

0:00:00 – WELCOME with Mia Hooper, Handmade Arcade Board of Directors Vice President + Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council Director of Development and Grantmaking

0:02:11 – WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DO with Tricia Brancolini-Foley, Handmade Arcade Executive Director

0:16:24 – OUR STRATEGIC PLAN with Jackie Baker, Handmade Arcade Board of Directors President + Workhorse Collaborative Partner

00:30:12 – Q&A