Hey there, friends! My name’s Chelc and I run Fox Den Design Shop! This started when I was teaching art classes at a K-12 school and I wanted to wear things that could be a little bit associated with what my kiddos were learning about in that lesson. I shared the designs I had created so far with another art teacher friend and they highly encouraged me to “get these online because other art teachers would just LOVE them!” So I listened and it’s kind of snowballed from there.
I still try to create a lot of designs geared towards artsy, creative, and educational audiences, but I want my store to have something for almost everyone and that’s where my Heart Collection comes in. Whether it’s your job, a hobby, or just something you want to remember, these designs will clearly display what you love. Because here at Fox Den Design Shop, we feel you shouldn’t wear your heart on only your sleeve.
P.S. There might be a new heart design making it’s debut at Handmade Arcade! 😉